Welcome To Current

Direct your learning

Current Education Center is a noncoercive environment where young people “opt in” to classes and studies according to the personalized, mentor-supported plans they create.
Is your student tired of being lost in the shuffle?  Or is she uncomfortable being “on” all day long with teachers and peers?  CEC offers many opportunities for interactive peer activities, but lets the student choose their level of engagement.  Many students choose to build quiet time for themselves in their day, opting to pursue interests in one of our restful spaces.
In addition to classes offered by adult volunteers, CEC encourages students to propose and organize classes and activities collaboratively.   
A weekly community meeting, led by students, gives every teen a voice and creates a safe, inclusive peer environment where their ideas matter.   Students bond and respect each other’s opinions, and they leave the meeting able to make an informed choice on what their day will look like.   
Some classes have been proposed for Jan. 2025.  Other classes will be created according to member student interests.
Spring 2025

Possible classes

Down the Rabbit Hole – How far can you go exploring a subject that interests you? Part philosophy, part research, part literature, you never know what twists and turns might happen. 


US History through Film - Watch and discuss film clips and short films through the lens of US History, from Alice Guy-Blaché and the Solax Studios, to the Maysles Brothers, to the Coen Brothers we will explore how Hollywood has influenced the United States’ identity. 


Practical Physics - Whether you realize it or not, you use physics in everyday life. We’ll explore motion, matter, force, and more with a mix of hands-on experiments and deep discussions. 


Botany through plant identification - Take weekly nature hikes and learn to identify the native and invasive plants growing along the Wissahickon 

Geography of Geocaching - Explore lands near and far, as well as virtual caches while participating in the world’s largest treasure hunt: geocaching.


Open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:30am – 3:30pm. 

Here’s a peek at our sample schedule: 


8:30-9:00 – Arrive, morning circle. We gather together in our shared space. 

9:00-12pm – Hourly classes, mentor meetings, other learning activities

12-1pm – Lunch 

1-3pm – Hourly classes, mentor meetings, other learning activities


Each month we pick a topic to take a deep dive into as a group. On Fridays we will sometimes have guest speakers, work on group projects, or take field trips related to the topic. 


For example: 


TOPIC: Marine Biology 

1st Friday – Break into teams and decide what aspect of marine biology your group wants to learn about this month. Share what we already know and what we’re curious to learn.
2nd Friday – Marine Biologist guest speaker from LifeSensors in Great Valley comes for a Q&A session, followed by time at the library to research marine biology topic. 

3rd Friday – Group field trip to Adventure Aquarium for their “From Endangered to Extinct” program.  

4th Friday – Open Mic style opportunity to share what you and your group learned about marine biology this month. This could include artwork, poetry, group presentations, scientific papers, board games, and more. 


Our Acheivements
