Welcome To Current Education

an alternative to middle and high school

Traditional school works for many young people, but not for all.

There are alternatives to school and Current Education Center offers a way out for students who feel stuck in their current school setting. 
At Current EC, we will help you transition from traditional school to a setting where young people take control of their own education, setting goals and learning in the ways that work best for them.

Our Services

Experienced Faculty

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Modern Library

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Popular Courses

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100% Scholarship

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Guaranteed Career

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Certified Teachers

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Our Acheivements


Not School?

Families of teens have long struggled with schooling when their students did not find traditional public or private school setting meaningful or productive.  Students who …
  • Are bright, but bored by standard academics
  • Learn differently
  • Struggle with the social atmosphere at school
  • Have social or academic anxiety
  • Have a medical condition that makes attending hard, and online school isolating
  • Hates homework
  • Doesn’t want to sit at a desk and listen all day
  • Had only the dauting prospects of full-time online school or homeschooling as alternatives.
 CEC provides an alternative!  CEC is an intimate, welcoming setting where students can learn together, pursue a personal curriculum plan that fits their goals and learning style, and belong to a community of peers who learn together.


CEC has no set curriculum: we start with the teen. 
Through conversations, exploration and advising, our mentors meet one-on-one with each member, integrating their goals, interests, and passions into a personalized plan for their middle and high school years.  
As the member grows in learning and vision, their curriculum plan will grow with them, building a whole individual, with unique knowledge, experiences, leadership and direction. 

Mentor supported

Each teen works individually with a mentor who will help them articulate their likes, dislikes, learning preferences and areas of learning. 
Any curiosity can be nurtured and the mentor will be there to help the teen put together academics and real-world experiences that reflect their goals. 
Mentors will also help students tailor their plan to prepare for their future.  College?  Trade or professional school?  Internship or apprenticeship?  Starting an entrepreneurial endeavor?  Working in the gap while they decide?  Mentors provide each student with the perspective to be prepared for any future path they can imagine. 

Family and community centered

Family support is crucial as students make their way through the teen years. 
We schedule three routine family meetings throughout the year to provide continuity between home and school.  Mentors are available with just a phone call or email to address questions and needs that arise.  
Moreover, our learning community thrives on volunteer facilitators, who share their skills, expertise and interests.  We welcome member family participation in learning and our staff are always making connections with people and organizations in the wider community as we help students follow their interests.

What about the future? Transcripts? Diplomas?

PA Homeschool law allows for an essentially infinite array of paths for teens to complete a secondary education that is flexible, meaningful, and prepares them for life after high school .  Our mentors have experience with both the requirements of the PA homeschool law and the application process for many kinds of post high school endeavors, and we will help parents and students alike navigate them!
Whatever your child’s plans, we will help document their education so that they leave with the necessary credentials.  Most colleges, including competitive schools are accustomed to seeing students with an alternative education, and many seek out these students for their unique experiences.  We are prepared to help your teen with a transcript, detailed descriptions of courses, a resume, letters of recommendation, and anything else required.  
Because we encourage students to pursue real world experience as part of the education, students who wish to dive in to a trade or other vocation after high school will leave with a well-developed resume that will demonstrate their readiness for the next level.